This is a color variation of a house comped on an existing cg neighborhood. This page also calls-out in plan, the location of certain props.
(posted with permission from Cary Silver, Producer, Gaumont)
This is a cg model recolored, retextured, and re-set dressed on top of s screenshot of an existing model.
Here are some of the call-outs for the new set colors and texture/surface finishes.
A myriad of prop and prop location call-outs for items on the sidewalk in front of the house. This Design Sheet was comped on top of a screenshot of the cg model.
Design details for a moving truck, including color call-outs and texture reference.
Below that is another myriad of prop and prop location call-outs, for the items within the moving truck itself.
Design for a baseball field, showing it's location in relation to an existing cg forest, and a series of existing neighborhood typical trees.
Included is texture reference for how the grass is painted with lines.
Texture design, to be applied by the overseas studio, onto the sidewalk in front of the main characters' house.
Design Sheet, showing the location of the chalk drawing, comped onto a screenshot from the show.
Set Design Sheets, showing various stages of a garden the main characters are planting.
It eventually gets wrecked by some critters, and the children replant the garden and try to protect it with a cover made of wood and chicken wire. These call-out sheets are comped onto a screenshot of a cg model.
On this page, the fruits and vegetables in the set are indicated on the side. The scale of the characters are indicated at the top.
Here, reference is included to show how the dirt should be rendered, freshly-dug.
A warning sign and shiny ribbons are placed around the garden to ward off critters.
Here, the garden is destroyed. The details at top indicate the uprooted versions of the plants.
The details at the top of this sheet indicate the bitten fruit and vegetables.
The reference on the side shows a detail of the wood construction and the chicken wire.
The top of this page shows the replanted vegetation.
Below are the Design Sheets for the fruits and vegetables, in all their various states, including scale, color call-outs and texture reference.
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